Walking Tours in West Cork
West Cork Discovery Walking Tours Ardagh, Rosscarbery Tel. 023 8848826
All Hiking Tours are guided by Don Healy of Rosscarbery. Don is qualified and certified by the Irish Tourist Bord (Bord Failte). He has over 20 years of experience in hiking and guiding in Ireland, Europe, Morocco and Nepal.
Sheeps Head Way, Durrus, Bantry, West Cork. Tel. 027 67136
Choosen as the best walk in Ireland by Country Walking magazine, this 55 mile long distance walk has a huge variety of terrain all with beautiful views and there are many long and short loop walks available. It takes in a superb moorland crest and rugged cliffs as well as easy lowland terrain. There is a choice of loop walks varying in walking distances between 0.75 hours and up to 6 hours.
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